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Skill and Learn - Ask users for input programmatically Empty Skill and Learn - Ask users for input programmatically

Jeu 2 Mai - 1:09
Input Tag
Input tag is the most easy way to ask for user input as it can be configured in multiple ways in style and use.
The webmaster can edit the text and how it's shown to the user.


<input name="text" id="example1" placeholder="http://www.example.com" style="width:100%" spellcheck="false" autocomplete="off">


What does it mean?

<input name="text">
Defines the input type

Save the user input as example1.

Show http://www.example.com on input until user enter keywords.

Expand the input to 100%. To fit in a box, etc.

Disable spellcheck.

Disable autocomplete.

Super is easy to use and it shows a console to the user asking for input.
The webmaster can edit the text and how it's shown to the user.


var keyword = prompt("Type something to search!\n\nHacxx code.", "");


What does it mean?

var keyword
Save any input from the user as keyword var.

prompt("Type something to search!\n\nHacxx code.", "");
Initiate prompt, show the text and if the webmaster want to add text to the input use the last , "");

Note: \n - New line. (Good for styling)
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